Bout It Bout It

Dope-a♪♪ rhymes
for dad-kid times.


  • We don't...

    Fear not, our books are kid-safe.

    We drip the flavor of 90s rap safely into the space where kids and parents nerd out over the greatest music genre.

    We do it safely. No explicit lyrics, adult topics or cussin.

    This is how it works.

    • Open your book
    • Scan a beat
    • The narrator will tell you what to do
    • Learn to rap
  • Boomboss Beats features household characters inspired by hip hop. They rap along with you and your kids about simple things like meal prep and cleaning up big bloopy messes.

    Every book comes with scannable beats to help you and your kids learn to rap at a beginner level, a little faster or on the heat. 

    Learn to rap, read or just fly along for the dopest ride.

  • The world of Nursery Rappers.

    Rapping is fun and hard as hell.

    That’s why all the Nursery Rap rhymes are simple enough for a kid but also give a nod to some references only mom or dad will get.

    Each beat offers a different pace so that kids as young as four can start to flow along, but the difficulty trends up for those seven and eight-year-olds who begin to master it themselves.

  • Who created Nursery Raps?

    Who to blame? The Everyday Villains Story Company.

    We are a team of adults who are just well-aged kids who’ve been around too long and equipped with enough tools for good mischief.

    The kind of mischief our illustrators, writers and music heads use to rap with their kids hoping it leaves them with an unforgettable experience and creative tool they can grow up with.